Here's what you get with your Replays:

LIVE Guided Meditation followed by Q&A: Deep Embodiment Bringing Presence into the Body
Louise Kay
Join Louise for a 30-minute guided meditation followed by Q&A.
During this live 60-minute bonus event Louise will guide you to surrender fully to the present moment, and from there gently bring your attention deeply into the body. This type of guided meditation can facilitate deep relaxation and allow for the integration and release of blocked energies and unconscious thought patterns.
*Saturday, April 30th, 12 pm ET
LIVE & INTERACTIVE Workshop: The Power of the Spoken Word to Accomplish What You Please
Lisa Natoli
Most people have no idea of the power of God available to them to create and accomplish combined with a statement or word. This isn't about visioning or wishing or "hoping" something happens. This is about certainty and knowing, combined with being one with the presence and power of God. Words alone have no power to create. A Course in Miracles tells us that "Only love creates, and only like itself."
So it is not a word or thought that creates or accomplishes - but the power of love combined with the word or thought.
Most words are uttered unconsciously by people and do not have the power of love behind them.
2000 years ago, Jesus was quoted as saying: "So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it."
This ability is available to everyone.
In this two-hour bonus workshop with Lisa Natoli, we will explore this statement and what The Power of the Spoken Word means for you.
This is a LIVE & INTERACTIVE workshop on Zoom.
*Sunday, May 15,12 pm–2 pm ET

LIVE Session: Going Deeper with Avita Yoga
Jeff Bailey
Please join Jeff Bailey for this LIVE post-conference session, where Jeff will elaborate on the nature and purpose of Avita Yoga.
Learn why (and how) so many are benefitting from this doable, non-dual yoga practice. Jeff will address questions like, "How does Avita take a non-dual approach to yoga? Why does yoga mean "to join?” And why don't you stretch the muscles? But please bring your questions to the session or even better, write your question to Jeff in advance! Maybe you have a particular bodily issue you’d like to address?
This follow-up is a beautiful opportunity to learn about the healing nature of Avita Yoga. The style will be Q&A with demonstrations.
*Friday, May 6, 2022, 2 pm–3 pm ET

The Ark of (Permanent) Safety
Jeff Bailey
A Course in Miracles explains that "Sickness is anger taken out upon the body so that it will suffer pain." The ego has a purpose in sickness! It's one of the secret vows we've made to uphold the body and separate sense of self.
The Ark of Safety is Spirit's answer to healing the body, but we must access the healed mind to bridge the gap. This is our yoga! Amid political turmoil and the uncertainty of "protecting" ourselves against seen and unseen enemies, we need an Ark of Safety! And we have one! Every instant, regardless of the circumstances, we are given an escape hatch to health and peace of mind. Join Jeff Bailey in this 45-minute healing meditation and together we'll find our way to lasting safety.
First Chapter of the award-winning book: The Way of Effortless Mindfulness
Loch Kelly
Self is the nondual union of loving awareness arising as our aliveness. Thich Nhat Hahn called it “Interbeing," the unity of divine and human. When we realize there is something greater than our small mind/body self we can get caught in the next stage of "awareness only" as a spiritual bypass.
We will explore the unfolding of awakening from small self to Self as Awareness to Self Energy as the fabric of Love then to Self Expression as Open-hearted awareness in action. We can learn to directly realize this not through thought and talk but through learning to glimpse with loving awareness it-Self. Learn this way of living from effortless mindfulness by shifting directly into the Loving Self that can be with our painful emotional parts knowing they are not other.

Are you looking for a spiritual community where you can spend the rest of the year learning from some of our conference speakers?
As well as the Integrated Awakening Series, a membership of Evolve comes with these bonuses.
We have gathered some of the clearest spiritual teachers in the world today, who will each shine their light on one facet of the diamond of awakening.
*ACIM Workbook Lesson in a Nondual Translation
Bill Free's non-dual interpretation of and commentary on ACIM Workbook lessons and Manual for Teachers, in audio and video formats. Weekly Q and A with Bill on Sundays to ask any questions you have on his non-dual translations.
*Evolve Book Group
An opportunity to join other members of Evolve to study a spiritual text in depth. We are currently studying The Untethered Soul, by Michael A Singer.
*Evolve Community
Regular Zoom meetings and a private Facebook community where you can discuss your spiritual practice, ask questions, share insights and get support from fellow members and teachers.
*The Vault
Explore our extensive archives of courses, videos, podcasts and guided meditations.
The great news is when you join Evolve as an annual member we will deduct the FULL COST of your Conference replay package from your annual membership. So, instead of $390 for a full year’s membership of Evolve, you pay only $263!
To learn more about Evolve and the LIVE workshops being taught by our Conference speakers check out www.teachersofgod.org/evolve
Let's Talk About What Could Be Stopping Your Heart From Truly Opening
Jac O'Keeffe
Jac will begin with a meditation that will help you identify your current relationship with unconditional love. She will explore some common pitfalls on the spiritual path that relate to love and then open the session to dialogue on any topic related to your spiritual path. Jac has the capacity to tune into each person's unique path and cuts straight to naming blockages that we often can't see by ourselves. This is an opportunity to find a resolution for long-standing issues or blindspots.
90-minutes Guided Meditation, some useful tools and tips followed by Q&A
*Saturday, May 28 at 3 pm - 6 pm ET